Introducing My First Book: The Huntress and the Trickster

Ever since I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a novelist. Looking back, it made little sense as I was not a reader. You can’t be a writer and not read. By the time I was 18 or 19, I started finding books that I loved. From that point, I have always had a book in my hand.

Reading got me back into writing, leading to this blog I rarely write on. I seldom revisit this blog to update it as I am normally too busy. As a journalist, I am always writing for other websites. It also led me to return to my original dream of writing novels.

I have had ideas to write books for years. In 2021, I replayed God of War (2018) because it had a fancy PS5 update. Around that time, I did a fun rewatch of the first three John Wick movies. This inspired me to write a book titled The Huntress and the Trickster.

The Huntress and the Trickster is a fantasy novel, but not in the hardcore sense like The Lord of the Rings or God of War. It follows Abigail Byrne, an assassin in San Francisco. Being an assassin is like any other job in the modern world. One day, Abigail gets a job offer to kill a woman’s husband for an obscene amount of money that would set her up for life. It is unethical, and there are red flags, but millions of dollars is millions of dollars. Her client did not mention one detail about her and her husband, leading to this seemingly easy job becoming something unlike any other gig for an assassin.

Typically, going about a book announcement means the book is not coming out for quite some time. Thankfully, it is around the corner as my debut novel is releasing on September 28. More details are to come, but for now, you can pre-order from my publisher’s website, Olympia Publishers. I hope you check it out to meet Abigail, her husband Jacob, her colleagues at Hazardous, and the mysterious target, Christian.

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