
Introducing My First Book: The Huntress and the Trickster

Ever since I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a novelist. Looking back, it made little sense as I was not a reader. You can’t be a writer and not read. By the time I was 18 or 19, I started finding books that I loved. From that point, I have always had a book in my hand.

Reading got me back into writing, leading to this blog I rarely write on. I seldom revisit this blog to update it as I am normally too busy. As a journalist, I am always writing for other websites. It also led me to return to my original dream of writing novels.

I have had ideas to write books for years. In 2021, I replayed God of War (2018) because it had a fancy PS5 update. Around that time, I did a fun rewatch of the first three John Wick movies. This inspired me to write a book titled The Huntress and the Trickster.

The Huntress and the Trickster is a fantasy novel, but not in the hardcore sense like The Lord of the Rings or God of War. It follows Abigail Byrne, an assassin in San Francisco. Being an assassin is like any other job in the modern world. One day, Abigail gets a job offer to kill a woman’s husband for an obscene amount of money that would set her up for life. It is unethical, and there are red flags, but millions of dollars is millions of dollars. Her client did not mention one detail about her and her husband, leading to this seemingly easy job becoming something unlike any other gig for an assassin.

Typically, going about a book announcement means the book is not coming out for quite some time. Thankfully, it is around the corner as my debut novel is releasing on September 28. More details are to come, but for now, you can pre-order from my publisher’s website, Olympia Publishers. I hope you check it out to meet Abigail, her husband Jacob, her colleagues at Hazardous, and the mysterious target, Christian.


2022 Update Where To Find My Work and What the Hell I Have Been up to

Haha, funny how fast life comes at you… and how you forget your login to Word Press to update your dumb blog. That is not about me, obviously. Anyways, it is a new year, so why not give people an update on what I have been doing lately workwise.

For one, I am doing mostly freelance writing. I got let go of my last writing gig a while back, so I have been doing the freelance thing. It is cool to write for different outlets but sucks because the pay is crippling. That said, experience is experience and money is money when you’re a college student. (Feel free to give me work via my e-mail tszelden@gmail.com)

In other news, I have a new-new podcast. I say “new-new” because we evolved Whiskey Talks to Arbitrary Arguments. Turns out a podcast where two of the three hosts get super drunk is a terrible idea. Anyways, check that out to listen to my friend and I get into dumb fights with some moments of agreement. You can find us anywhere you get your podcasts.

I am still making YouTube videos. I quit the Let’s Play styled videos as I was not having fun and editing those were miserable when I am not even making money. I break down news stories in gaming, react to trailers, and do reviews. If that sounds boring or interesting, check it out.

That is essentially it for now. Check out my latest work and follow me on Twitter for my dumb takes, liberal opinions, and any promotion of my work. See you there!

The Huntress and the Trickster by Tristan Zelden: On Sale Now

In 2021, I got an idea for a novel. After much procrastinating, I eventually brought myself to open up a Word document to set up notes for characters, research, and world-building. More procrastinating later, I managed to start writing said book in a separate document.

Writing tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of words is daunting. After having coffee with a friend recently who was blown away that I wrote a 404-page book, I broke down that it takes time. Just write as many days of the week as possible, even if you end up with a page and a half. After weeks and months, you will have a whole book! (That you will need to edit and make better).

The Huntress and the Trickster is a cross between fantasy and a world similar to John Wick, except these assassins are legal workers. If you think it sounds dystopian and violent, it is! The story follows one assassin, Abigail Byrne, who just got the wildest job offer: Kill a woman’s cheating husband for millions of dollars. She is suspicious of the client, but millions of dollars is millions of dollars. Things take a turn when this client and her husband are not beings from this world…

I will leave it there as you should read it to find out who these characters are, immerse yourself in grounded and fantastical world-building, and a wide range of different personalities who fill up the pages of my book.

Sometime after pitching and failing, I eventually got a book deal. Maybe not the best, but it was a deal to get my foot in the door of the literary world, so I took it. After the whole process of editing, cover design, and all that fun and tedious stuff of post-writing, we have arrived at this week’s release of my debut novel.

Who should read it, though? I hope everyone, but no book is for everyone. If you like fantasy but don’t mind it being on the lighter side, then I think it will be for you. If you are not a fantasy fan, as I am not the biggest fan either, admittedly, I think you should give it a try. There is enough to ground the world and characters without being too fantastical. For everyone else, if you like violent and exciting novels, diverse characters, woman-led stories, and in-depth world-building, then you will dig it.

The easiest places to purchase The Huntress and the Trickster are on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and through my publisher’s site, Olympia Publishers. Of course, you can ask your local bookshop or library to see if they can get a copy for you, too, as we should always strive to support smaller book-oriented businesses.

Beginner’s Tips When Getting a Tattoo

In the past two or three years, one of my newfound passions has been tattoos. I love having them, the culture surrounding having ink on my body, and goddamn, it is just addicting, so even if I did not feel strongly, I would still continue getting artwork embedded into my skin.

While I have plenty of friends who do have tattoos, most do not. I always get asked questions because not only do I have some, I have done extensive research on the topic. Whether that is watching or reading interviews with artists or asking questions when I go in for an appointment. Since I know many people without any might also want answers before sitting down and going through pain for a few hours, here are some beginner’s tips for tattoos.

1. Don’t go for something too small

Over course, it depends on what you want to get, but it is best to not get something too small for your first tattoo. You should experience the whole process as a whole, even the pain. A lot more goes into going into a shop and getting a tattoo. The artist will speak with you about your idea and draw something up, then get your approval for that concept. After the consultation, the tattooer makes a stencil, an inked outline that goes on your body that they trace during the linework. Finally, they get to add all the details, color, and/or shading to your piece (if you are getting something that is more than lines, that is up to what style you want, but we will get to that later).

Depending on what you want and where you want it, your artist may advise something bigger than what you had in mind. The smaller then, the harder it is to create detail for your piece. Personally, I go for a lot of detail for both the artwork that I get and follow on Instagram. If I wanted something two or three inches, then I would limit the tattooer.

The other problem comes later down the line as your tattoo may not age properly if it is too small. A lot of factors go into aging, and size sometimes can affect how things look in the future.

Finally, you should get something that fits that part of your body. I have a cardinal sitting on a branch with some leaves and acorns on my inner bicep. It fills the area without unnecessary space left open. If it did not, then it would look awkward or limit other ideas and placements for those potential tattoos.

2. Research, Research, Research

If you take anything away from this article, let it be that you have to research two major things.

For one, you should look into the plethora of styles that are out in the wild. Most of the time, people go for black/grey (no, it is not black and white or whatever people call it) or traditional/American traditional. Getting one of these two is totally fine because the beauty of art is there is no right or wrong on what you like. You should know the variety in what you can get goes beyond what you see on an average day. A few of my favorites include colored realism, surrealism, and new school.

Once you find out some styles that you like, you need to find the right artist. Look up every shop in your area that you are willing to travel to, then look at each artist. A shop may have a website with people’s portfolios, or you can visit people’s Instagram, the magical land of finding good tattooers. If you like 80 percent or more of their work, then they might be right for you.

3. Contacting Artists

When contacting artists, you may e-mail them or DM them on Instagram; it depends on their system. Regardless, you need to make sure you include certain details. After a pleasant hello (you would be surprised by how many people message “tattoo?” or some bullshit), you will explain what you want, if it is color or black/grey, approximate size, and the placement.

Like I previously said, when you have your day of the appointment, you will be walked through a process with the artist. If you have any concerns since it is your first time, then bring it up to them as they are there to make this easy as possible for you.

4. Be Open-Minded

The best experience for a client and ink master, you need to have a balance between getting what you want and what they want. You will lay out a foundational idea of what you want, like a rose, which is a classic piece many people have. The artist will elevate it by adding maybe a bee sitting on it. Of course, they will bring up ideas to you, and you will work together to come up with the final product.

Listen to what their ideas are and be open to what ideas may come about. For me, I say what I want and then let them run wild. When I got my cardinal, I wanted a cardinal in color. Alex Fiore, the tattooer who made the piece, asked if she could add some leaves and acorns, so I told her to surprise me.

5. Things not to say

You will piss someone off if you say the wrong thing, or at least they will think about you negatively. To have a good relationship if artists, here are things not to say:

  • “Tattoo gun.” It is not a gun; it is a machine.
  • “How much?” There are so many factors (we will get into it) about pricing, so if you have money, then get a tattoo. If you don’t, then wait.
  • “Are we almost done?” Be patient and don’t rush the artist. It takes a while, so you have to settle with the commitment.
  • It is okay to express your pain, but ease up on it to not to annoy everyone in the shop.

6. Pricing

Like I said, there are so many factors into pricing, making it hard for an artist to give you how much it will cost before you even started or finished. The style you get, how much the person charges, time, color or black/grey, etc., go into calculating how much you will pay.

7. Bringing People

Every artist is okay with you bringing a buddy, family member, or significant other in my experience. However, you should only bring one person. Most would not want you having more than one person, especially depending on how big their workstation is. It is a good idea to bring someone, especially for your first time, as emotional support can carry you through the hours of pain.

8. Placement

You are thinking, “where should I place my tattoo? Apparently, the placement will determine the level of pain or how the tattoo will look?” Then let’s break those questions down.

While I believe you need a decent-sized piece to take up a good three to four hours for your first experience, you need a spot on your body that will be less excruciating, especially if you have a low pain tolerance like myself. I would recommend the top of the thigh, upper arm, and most of the outer parts of the arm make it easier. Do know that you will still face some, but that level of anguish is up to the individual client.

Secondly, where you place, it can disrupt the flow of future pieces or not sit well on that part of the body. Luckily, your artist will take care of that for you. If you want a snake on a part that will flow awkwardly, then the tattooer should offer an alternative. Be open-minded and not set on where you want your snake or flower or whatever, as what you have pictured may not look good.

An additional bit of information is to not get your tattoo upside down. When I put my arm forward, people see my train right side up. If it was facing me, then showing it to people would be upside down. Any respectable artist will not make something facing towards you because across the industry, it is the wrong thing to do.

9. What if you get something bad? Laser? Coverups?

Even if you do your research, some unethical artists post work they did not do or modify it with a program or filter. It happens to clients who do all the right things. Maybe it was nothing on the artist, you end up not liking it anymore, or it does not resonate with you as you got it when you were too young. You have a few options.

Depending on what is done, you can get it fixed. This is not guaranteed, the tattooer you go to may not know how, but some may know how to fix up the problems with your bad ink. Somethings cannot be saved, so that is where you may have to go down another road.

Covering up your regretful choice or getting fucked over by someone who gave you something ugly on your body may or may not be possible. The darkness of it, color usage, size, etc., will determine if you cannot get it covered, but if you come across someone who does it well, then get their input to see if it can happen.

Maybe you can get that coverup, but you may need to get it lasered. It does not mean completely removed, sometimes getting enough laser work to make it light enough to bury under a good piece of ink. Also, like anything in life, do your research. Not all tattoo removal technicians are the same; make sure you get someone good at their job.

From YouTube to Journalism to Podcasting: An Update on Where to Find My Work

Hello readers, long time no see. The world has changed a lot since I was frequently posted. The United States is about to have a new President, COVID-19 has engulfed the planet, WordPress updated the look of the writing section here and its a fucking mess, and I have some new work to show off.

If you read my blog posts before and were wanting to know what I have been up to then this will give you an idea of everything for you to check out.

Let’s start with KeenGamer.

KeenGamer is a small, independent gaming journalism website. I have been writing there for almost a year now. I have written game reviews, guides, and plenty of news covering the games industry. I also revamped the site’s podcast where we talk about all things video game related.

As of writing this update on my blog, I have been writing a lot on Cyberpunk 2077, which I am beyond excited about, so I have become the Cyberpunk guy at KG.

Since then, I got promoted twice to become a Senior Editor. Meaning, I edit and publish people’s articles across all the different types we put out for our readers.

Time to transition into my other podcast, Whiskey Talks.

I did not start this project, but my two buddies did. The idea is that they drink a lot of whiskey and shoot the shit. I came on board to keep the conversations on track.

We talk about a bunch of random topics from cults to time travel. At the end, we review an album of the week. Just something that we like or find to make for an interesting discussion about. It is a less official and quite arbitrary take on reviews, but its fun and introduces us and our listeners to a wide array of music.

We also have a store, so go check out our merchandise.

Finally, onto YouTube.

This is a recent endeavor, but I wanted to learn how to edit video. It is mostly for my resume to be more desirable for any employers out there. Also, it is a fun hobby as I survive the pandemic.

I got into it mostly because of a class I am taking where I learned how to use Premiere Pro and Adobe Spark. You can check out a story I developed, both in video form and as a multimedia package, on how the tattoo industry has been hit by COVID.

Regarding the personal YouTube channel, I make videos all about video games. I make gameplay videos for now, but I plan on expanding the kinds of content I produce.

Thank you for supporting me to get to this point for the old time readers. For the newcomers, welcome aboard. I hope you all follow me on some of these new adventures.

Album Review: Dance Gavin Dance – Afterburner

I have so many friends who love Dance Gavin Dance, which I always was able to appreciate and understand, but I could not sink my teeth into their material. Afterburner is the first album I had heard front to back. While it has some heavy hitters in the first half, and widely dispersed in the second half, it mostly runs together in a blend that cannot be distinguished from one song or another.

The heart starts to beat for the record with the pulsing instrumentation of Prisoner. It soon flips between heavy and melodic realms. The hard turns between hard-driving and a floating melody complement one another nicely.

Lyrics Lie is undoubtedly a lie in a good way as it starts off soothing, then next thing I know, I got a punch to the gut from screams and heavier instrumentals. The smooth, clean singing soon keeps up with the speed of the harsher vocals while bringing in some of the catchiest choruses I will hear all year.

Calentamiento Global really shines how awesome Matt Mingus is as a drummer as he takes charge of a majority of the track. Slowly everyone comes together for a homogenous sound. It layers in a hefty dose of a fun, catchy melody that does not stick in my head as much as Lyrics Lie, but it is still irresistible.

I have torn feelings on Three Wishes. The chemistry between the screaming and clean vocals mix so much better than Calentamiento Global, but it feels way too formulaic with its structure and overall sound. That said, it ends on a high note as it kicks up the power.

One in a Million brings in some pop influences that are happily welcomed to the mix. It manages to fit next to the heavy segments due to some stellar transitions from the group’s bass, guitar, and drum work. It all comes crashing together for one crazy conclusion, making this one of the best songs of the album.

Parody Catharsis comes in rather thin with a single guitar to follow behind the clean singing. It unexpectedly explodes and throws in plenty of other surprises throughout with its electric melody and headbanging moments.

On paper, Strawberry’s Wake follows everything that has been done right with the formulaic material found on Afterburner, but being seven songs in, I am starting to get pretty bored. It has the catchiness and melody but cannot stick the landing.

At least I got some caffeinated energy from Born To Fail. The cool and heat bang together then end up going into an intense descend that makes for a sweet highlight that makes up for some of the hiccups found before it.

Parallels is aggressively trying to beat out Lyrics Lie with its catchiness, to the point where the screams match the angelic singing. It manages to do this well by an impressive execution.

For the shortest track, Night Sway does not feel too condensed. It takes all that I know and puts it together in a nice, tight package. If it were to be any longer, then it would be too boring to handle.

The heaviest song is ironically one of the nicest titles, Say Hi. It surely says hi with some mean riffs and percussive power that can knock you on your ass. Even when the clean vocals get introduced after some aggressive screams, it does not let up off the pedal.

Nothing Shameful is quite shameful with its first collaborator on the album, Andrew Wells, who does not add anything to the song at all. The same goes for the actual band in this run of the mill filler track.

Thankfully we end on a high note in this weird hip-hop-inspired DGD sounding finale with Into The Sunset. Featuring ex-Attack Attack member Johnny Franck AKA Bilmuri, as he is in his side project that helped out the California based rockers. The chemistry is there, and the surprises do not let up throughout the album’s closer.

Afterburner has its problems, even with some strong songs have hiccups. The guitar work impresses early on but soon melds together, same with the vocal performances. Lyrically well written with some instrumental and vocal high points to make up for the lows.

Score: 7/10

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Image via Rise Records


Album Review: I Am Abomination – Passion of the Heist II

The latest I Am Abomination record, Passion of the Heist II, shows that progressive metal can rise above the jokes thrown at it due to generic bands who use the term djent too frequently. It is equally beautifully melodic while having some head pounding riffs and breakdowns to satisfy hardened metalheads like myself.

Decimation is a slow burn with light guitar action and a radio broadcast playing in the forefront. Soon enough, the build pays off as the instrumentation blows up. It dies down and transitions fluidly into Judas. I have a pet peeve of these interludes not flowing into the next song, and thankfully this is as smooth as butter.

Breakdowns rarely get my attention, but the tasteful execution with JudasĀ makes it a headbanging worthy track. It weirdly suites Phil Druyor’s angelic voice. Throughout the first full songs relentless with minor tweaks in the guitar riffs to give it life and not sound the same.

Coming in with hefty contrast, Ultraterrestrial has an explosive introduction of heavy riffs and aggressive drumming. Then everything seeps into the darkness for an atmospheric spotlight on the singing. I thought I knew what I was getting here, I got smacked with delightful hard-driving segments that swap back and forth with the more moody tone.

I knew Ben Duerr of Shadow of Intent appears later on, which made me beyond happy and I will go on about my love for him and Shadow, but I had my breath taken away from me when I saw Jesse Cash and JT Cavey of Erra popped up on Way of Sorrows. They fit almost too well, as it shows how much Erra and IAA sound similar. Once I got past it, I could appreciate the incredible vocal chemistry between the three singers while they all had time to shine on their own without feeling cramped.

While taking a step down in heaviness without Cavey’s screams, Lamb to the Slaughter brings in thicker bass lines, more substantial percussive power, and breakdowns that will surely break my neck. Although the solo was a highlight, it did showcase how it sounded too similar to some of the melodic riffs that have been featured so far in the album.

Second Death lays out some nasty bass lines with some slick guitar riffs. It cleans up afterward to match the cleaner vocal delivery. I wish it stuck with the initial direction, but it is still a worthy entry on the record.

Another satisfying transition as Second Death slides into The Greatest Sin. The chaotic one on PotH with a more powerful vocal performance compared to the previous tracks while still sticking to the same delicious formula.

Slowly coming from the underworld, Arcadia rises into a brief headbanging introduction before dying down to shine a spotlight on the singing. Even with the changing direction, it is relentlessly rhythmic.

Polyphia members Tim Henson and Scott LePage come in to lend a hand in the instrumentation of Heir to the Throne. Admittedly, I was worried as this is the longest song, which is not even that long, as it may overstay its welcome. Instead, I was greeted with a beautiful piano that transforms into a grand orchestra with a choir that adds to the epic feel of this track. Eventually, it turns into a fairly standard song then ends on a high note as the whole group and their collaborators go wild.

Settling down before the brutal finale, Martyr is a moody, atmospheric track that focuses purely on Druyor’s vocals. It lends itself as a great followup to Heir to the Throne.

Deicide features one of my favorite vocalists from one of my favorite bands, Ben Duerr, from Shadow of Intent. His unbelievably brutal range weirdly compliments Druyor’s high pitched singing in this heavy conclusion.

Passion of the Heist II is 11 tracks of solid music with some that stand out more than others, mostly due to excellent collaborations that were not thrown in for a brief moment that flies by without adding any substance. While every member kills it instrumentally, some of it blends together, so more variety across the record would help. That said, it is a must-listen for metalheads.

Score: 8/10

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Image via I Am Abomination